Saturday, 7 March 2015

What's On My iPod | March 2015

Hello Lovelies! We've all seen the what's on my iPhone posts, so I thought I'd do something similar but not quite; what's on my iPod! If you want to see what's on my iPhone, by all means I'll show you guys. But, I thought it would be fun to show you what I keep on my little iPod.

First, we've got the lock screen (obviously!). I don't know where I got this background from, probably either Pinterest or Tumblr. 
This first of two pages you come to is just my 'I never use these so they're in a folder on their own' page. I'll show you what's in that folder in a second. On the bottom bar, I keep messages, mail, safari and Spotify, which are my 4 most used apps. I use Spotify instead of the proper music app. My background is just another inspirational quote from Pinterest.
This is what I keep in my 'productivity' folder. I haven't once used any of these apps, not one of them is productive. I just can't delete them!
And, onto the fun stuff! The first folder is where I keep the everyday apps, the second is games, the third is just the apps I use but aren't fun (photos, calendar. You'll see in a second!)
These are all the apps I keep in that first folder. They speak for themselves, I'm sure! 
These are all the games I play. If I'm honest, I only use Candy Crush, SAS 4 and Duolingo (which isn't a game, I'm not entirely sure why I keep it here but it didn't seem right on the other folder either!) on a regular basis.
And, finally the boring but actually productive folder! 

As you can see, I like to keep things super organised and clean looking. I go through every week or two and delete any apps I haven't been using. If you want to know more about any of the apps, a review or anything else like that please let me know! Leave below what you keep on your iPod/Phone/Pad, any recommendations you have for apps you think I'd enjoy or just what apps you're loving! 
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