Hello, Lovelies! Long time no speak, eh? I've been without a working laptop for months, but I've recently got a new one! I've certainly missed this. I know I'm a shade late to the party (Okay, maybe more than a shade...!) but I really thought this was a fantastic way to get back into the swing of blogging again. I certainly have the tendency to live in the past a little bit, and although living in the future is no better (and something else I certainly have the tendency to do) I wanted to mark off some things I wanted to accomplish over the next 12 or so months. And hopefully, as I've made them public, I'll be more likely to complete them! Who knows?

1. Be more organised with my time.
I'm terrible with organising my time. I over-organise, think I can fit 10 days work into 1 day and then promptly become very overwhelmed and give up. I think more than being more organised, I need to be more realistic. This is something I've been working on a lot over recent months, but certainly is something I'll be hoping to fine-tune this year.
2. Worry more about pleasing myself than others.
This is more in relation to worrying about what other people think about me. We're all guilty of this, aren't we? I can worry myself ill (literally) over what strangers think of me, which is ridiculous. This year, I just want to focus more on being a person I like, instead of worrying what that one person in next to the baked beans in Morrisons that one time 3 years ago thought.
3. Accept that Perfect isn't obtainable.
One of the biggest things I've learnt over the past year or so is that I'm a perfectionist. And, I project that onto myself in every sense. I feel the need to be 'perfect', which is not only unobtainable but also very unhealthy. I beat myself up unmercifully if I even do the tiniest thing 'wrong'. It's something I'm sure we're all guilty of on one level or another, and it's something I'm very eager to work on this year.
4. Blog More!
I love blogging. I genuinely do. I don't always have the time, or make the time, but I do enjoy doing it. So, this year I pledge to blog more. Whether you like it or not!

5. Get fitter.
Some of you may or may not be aware that over the past 18 months or so I've been working hard to be healthier in general. And, although I have certainly made improvements to my lifestyle, I want to really push to add fitness into my lifestyle, which is something I really don't do enough.
6. Be more thankful for the people around me.
Although I'm always thankful for the people in my life, I can sometimes get into the routine (if that's the right word) of not showing them how grateful I am. So, this year I definitely want to really put effort into making sure those around me know just how much I adore them and how grateful I am for everything they do to make my life that much brighter.
So, there you go. The 6 things I want to work on and accomplish this year. Leave links to yours below (or just you blog in general!), I'd love to read them.
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