Hello, Lovelies! I recently turned 23. And, I'm feeling very reflective about it. I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm feeling old, but I'm certainly more aware of the fact I'm not actually a teenager anymore. I think I kind of don't feel like I haven't got a whole lot to show for 23 years. 23 years is a long time! So, I thought I'd put together a little list of the things I have got to show for my 23 years. Some life lessons, some memories and just a general acknowledgement that the little things are sometimes the biggest things.
What things have I learnt in my 23 years? Not a whole lot is my instant thought. Maybe I'm too self-deprecating. Maybe that should go on the list. "I am very negative towards myself". But, looking back, I think we can all find little life lessons we've picked up along the way.

I'd say the biggest, most important life lesson for me is that mistakes are okay! You learn from mistakes, I promise you. I've mentioned before that I'm a perfectionist, and that's something that I'm working really hard on, so I suppose this is still in the process of being learned. But, it's important. I'm the kind of person who'll throw away 2 pages of writing because the last word on the back page had to be scribbled out and it looks "messy". I'm the kind of person who knew so many more answers in class than I put myself forward for because what if it's wrong. I'm slowly working my way to learning that mistakes are perfectly okay, and for me, this is the biggest lesson I've learnt (or rather, am learning).
This next one actually came from a film. "If a guy treats you like he doesn't give a shit, he genuinely doesn't give a shit". Although this is more dating advice, this is something I think we can all take into our everyday life. Of course, you have to give people a bit of leeway because everyone's got their own life going on, but typically speaking, if someone treats you like crap, they don't care. I'm the type of person to always see the good in people, and give them chance after chance, so this is a hard one to act on for me, but it's definitely something that I keep in the front of my mind.
And, finally: Just because you failed once, doesn't mean you can't try again. I've 'failed' at a lot of things. Like, a ton. But, you can always try again. And, again. And, then again and again if you have to. If you can't get through it, find a way around it. You can do anything you want to. The long way isn't the wrong way. If you don't get a job you really wanted, keep your eyes peeled, bulk up your CV and try for the next vacancy. If you didn't make it right through that workout, don't let that put you off trying the next time or the time after that until you smash it. 'Failure' isn't actually a failure. It's not a dead-end. Promise.
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