Hello, Lovelies! How is it already February? Can we all start hoping for some sun, yet? Is it too soon? Potentially! Either way, January was a month of loving a ton of stuff, so I've compiled a little list. Because we're a nosy bunch, aren't we? Or, is that just me?
1. Nude lips! I'm wasn't a nude lip fan until maybe this time last year, but now I'm obsessed. I've gone from a bright red and purple lip addict (I still love a bold lip!) to pretty regularly reaching for the nudes. Maybe it's old age, maybe it's just a phase.
2. I heart Makeup Foundation. I mentioned this in a recent haul, and I'm in love. I'm getting round to posting reviews on all of the products mentioned, so keep an eye out for that where I'll go more in-depth on the pros and cons of this little beauty, but long story short: a £2 foundation that I actually like and is pale enough for my white skin. Winner!3. Weekly Vlogs. Mainly Brogan Tate and Rosanna Pierce.
4. Elementary. I was never really very intrigued by this, but I was recommended this by a friend and guys, he was right! It's taking me a while to get through this, probably because I've got a couple of seasons to get through, but every chance I get I've been watching an episode or two of this and I'm in love! I'm about a quarter through season 3 currently, and I adore it.
5. Casualty. I've spoken about my love of this show before, and I can't speak highly enough of it. It's a show I grew up with, and a show I still get excited to watch every Saturday.
6. The last of the TV shows this month, Gotham. The same friend recommended this show too, and I binge watched it over about 2 days. It was a shade hit and miss towards the end, but I thoroughly enjoyed it for the most part, so definitely worth a mention.
7. X+Y. I mentioned this film on Twitter at the beginning of this month, and I've watched it a further two or three times. A British film about a young man living with Aspergers and a love of maths, it's truly worth the watch. I can't recommend it enough!
8. Sworkit. I've been loving this app for fitting in quick workouts. You can actually set a time from 5-60 minutes, so maybe not that quick. But, I don't have to schlepp all the way to the gym, and that's the main thing!
9. Charlie Puth! I've been a fan of his, and I know this wasn't released that long ago, but I've had his new album, Nine Track Mind, on repeat for days, so I couldn't leave it out!
10. And, finally, Blogging! I've always thoroughly enjoyed blogging, but even more so now. I've got a ton more motivation to rant to you guys about life and makeup, which is always a good thing. For me, at least!
And, an extra! Something I've been obsessed with this month, probably more than anything else, has been therealdrmiami on snapchat. Not one for the faint of heart, he's a plastic surgeon who films his surgeries and puts them on his Story. Live. Sometimes a bit grim, but if you're into that kinda thing, it's very interesting!
And, breathe! What have you been loving lately? Leave me links below, as always!
Much love, Maxine xo
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I've been loving the 100. It's a great TV show!