Wednesday, 17 February 2016

The 4 Week Spending Ban | I Have No Willpower

Hello, Lovelies! Like most of us, I spent a lot and got a lot over Christmas, which was quickly followed by my birthday in January. However, I'm a hoarder. A massive, ridiculous hoarder. So, on top of a huge pile of stuff I've got lying around the house, I've now got Christmas and birthday gifts, plus sales purchases to find homes for. I'm still struggling. It's just not happening. And, being realistic, I'm skint. So very, very bloody skint. 

The solution? A spending ban! As of today, I'm going to be only buying essentials. And, by essentials I mean I literally don't have another bottle of foundation left in the house, not I've got more bottles than I can count but omg doesn't this one look like it'll be the one?! Not that I've ever done that, of course... 

The point of this ban is, of course, to kick-start me into saving, hopefully make me realise that new things are grand and all but I don't need 50 red lipsticks, and also to give me an excuse to test out products I haven't tried in a while, force me to be more creative and hopefully give me lots of new things to write about here. Which can only be a good thing, yeah? Yeah. 

If any has gone on a spending ban recently, if currently gone on one or has any tips, please do leave links to your posts below! 

Much love, Maxine xo
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  1. I've put myself on a spending ban too! Like you, I hoard like mad. I've still got books from when I was 8 that my Mum bought me....hopefully we ride the ban out without any fall backs, good luck hun!

    Laura x |

    1. The final straw was emptying out my beauty drawers, I was ashamed at how much I'd just hoarded, there's a full, massive drawer just of skincare yet I use the same handful of products, it's ridiculous! xo


Thank you for reading and taking the time out to comment lovely! I absolutely promise I'll reply ASAP, if you want a more immediate reply feel free to tweet me @MaxineWhitneyy :) xx